const readlineSync = require("readline-sync"); import Block from "./src/Block"; import Blockchain from "./src/Blockchain"; const usage = ` _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | Usage:- | | -> add sender_name receiver_name transfer_amount # adds a block to blockchain with the given data | | -> show # shows the list of blocks available in the blockchain | | -> tamper block_number # tampers with the block giver by the number | | -> check # validates the blockchain | | -> help # show this message | | -> exit # close the program | |_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________| `; let input: string; console.log(usage); const format = (chain: Array, limit: number) => { let string = ""; const isLongList = chain.length > limit; const newChain = chain.slice(isLongList ? chain.length - limit : 0); newChain.forEach((block, index) => { if (index == 0 && !isLongList) return; string += `\n[${index + (isLongList ? 1 : 0)}]\tSender: ${ }\tReceiver: ${}\tAmount-Transfered: ${}`; }); return string; }; const blockchain = Blockchain.create(2); do { input = readlineSync.question("-> "); const commands = input.split(" "); const command = commands[0]; const length = commands.length; const outputLimit = 10; switch (command) { case "add": if (length !== 4) { console.log("<- WRONG NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS!"); continue; } const amount = parseFloat(commands[3]); if (isNaN(amount)) { console.log("<- Please give a correct Amount"); continue; } blockchain.addBlock(commands[1], commands[2], amount); break; case "show": process.stdout.write("<- "); console.log(format(blockchain.chain, outputLimit)); break; case "tamper": if (length !== 2) { console.log("<- WRONG NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS :("); continue; } const index = parseInt(commands[1]); if (index < 1 || index > outputLimit) { console.log("<- WRONG INDEX FOR BLOCK"); continue; } const chainLength = blockchain.chain.length; const changeIndex = index + (chainLength > outputLimit ? chainLength - outputLimit - 1 : 0); blockchain.chain[changeIndex].timestamp = new Date(); break; case "check": console.log( blockchain.isValid() ? "<- The Blockchain is valid :)" : "<- [CRITICAL] The Blockchain is compromised :(" ); break; case "help": console.log(usage); break; case "exit": console.log("<- GOODBYE! :("); break; default: console.log("<- WRONG COMMAND :("); } } while (input !== "exit");